
Thursday 2 March 2023

SAP MM Enterprise Structure | Enterprise Structure steps | Enterprise Structure

 Enterprise Structure

 Enterprise Structure is the first step which clearly shows that how SAP can be utilized in their business.

To runs their business in an efficient way every organization divided their organization in small organizational units.

 An organization unit is further divided into various levels as per their hierarchy & roles. Every level has their own functionality. An enterprise structure is grouping together these levels in an organization.

 An Enterprise structure is shows different levels in an organization which is interlink with each other & SAP plays a very important role to integrate these levels to each other during configuration. this configuration we will be read in next the topic "ENTERPRISE STRUCTURE DEFINE AND ASSIGNMENT".

Now, we can say that enterprise structure is "A STRUCTURE WHICH IS DEFINES VERIOUS LEVELS IN AN ORGANISATION".

  • Following levels are included in SAP MM enterprise structure.

1. Client.
2. Company Code.
3. Plant .
4. Storage Location.
5.Purchase Organization.
6. Purchase Group.

Top most level in SAP system's hierarchy. Client level data is valid for all levels in all organization.

2. Company Code.
A legal entity having own profit and loss balance sheet.

3. Plant .
A level in an organization unit  where all manufacturing activity take place.

4. Storage Location.
A physical place within a plant where all material stocks kept.

5.Purchase Organization.
A unit responsible for internal or external procurement activities.

6. Purchase Group.
Group of people responsible for procurement activities in a purchasing Organization.

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